Out Now
Leif Coffield is described as young, authentic, and exciting. At 24 years old he has the young thing sewn up; that’s a given. His latest single offering is called ‘Bloodstains and Lovenotes’ and Patchchord News was given the opportunity to test the claims of authentic and exciting.
The opening few seconds of the song offer up ethereal synths and stark synthetic noises so already we have something a bit different from the majority of artists in this age bracket.
Vocoded (robotic/synthesised) vocals are the dominant feature of the song which is an outlet for “feelings of entrapment” according to the press kit accompanying the release. The use of the stark sounding vocoded vocals along with his softer whispers certainly go some way to vent his sentiments.
A simple drone bass lends itself to the overall stark and futuristic sound; ably complemented by hard-hitting drums and percussion. Each time you listen to the song you hear something different; something to keep you inquisitive as to the thoughts and person behind the vocoded voice.
As a package, this is a little bit different and that’s a good thing in a world of music made by youngsters galloping towards the goal of all sounding the same in order to achieve their own slice of disposable success.
So… is Leif Coffield young, authentic and exciting?
This is a damned good stab at all three tags and, if the planets of decent, innovative music align then there is every chance that he can be anointed by the waters of authenticity and excitement to accompany his undoubted youth.